Liquid Restaking deposits on EigenLayer are currently paused. Native restaking is uncapped. Withdrawals remain enabled.
eigenlayer logo
tokenIcon/beaconChainETH.svgBeacon Chain Ether
$0.00Validator Balance
$0.00EigenPod Balance
Unstake pending
Available to withdraw
EigenPod Address
About Beacon Chain EtherStaking Beacon Chain ETH is the act of depositing 32 ETH to activate Ethereum validator software. Validators are responsible for storing data, processing transactions, and adding new blocks to the blockchain. The Ethereum chain pays new ETH to validators in the process. As of Q1 2023, there are 557,163 validators on the Ethereum beacon chain, including native stakers, liquid staking pools, centralized exchanges, and other operators. To restake Beacon Chain ETH, create your own EigenPod and change your validator withdrawal credentials to your EigenPod address.
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